Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The 2nd months

today marked the second months since my brother left us...i woke up this morning, took my bath and try to get ready for work.I went straight to the kitchen. i found ma and May sitting down having breakfast...it was sinagan and fried egg..i told ma today's date hoping she will not recalled and remembered anything and was hoping it will be just another day for her and everyone of us..
May was enjoying her breakfast until ma opened her mouth and said today will be the 2nd months since igat left us. Jaw dropped and faces changed.....
Now is 5.30pm on the 6th of March and if i were to recalled back 2 months ago ..it will be the same time and hour i first received the sad news..............:(

"God under your wings i shall renew my strength...


ABL said...

Anddy, its been ages since i read ur blog and wrote anything in my blog.. reading this.. i share ur sorrow.time will heal my friend,,.. time will heal

ND said...

Thank you Allan