Friday, August 5, 2011

love your cat

wow it has been 2 months since i last update the blog.sebelum aku lupa password bagus aku rajin rajin kan dirik melogin's title is love your cat..wah macam informative blog....
a cat was given to me last first i said no because i have 2 other happy cats running and play at home with lassie the dog.It either the person heard wrongly because the next day there she was smiling with her arm hugging this old cat and she ran to me and put the cat on my to cut the long short story shorter....
I spayed her, called her Rihanna lOve...the reason being kan.....jeng jeng jeng.....

sweeettttt.....the Love mark on her body....she is Toda's Ark Resident Cat

Rihanna love is a very loving cat..she disturbs me when ever possible just to get my attention

how to work like this?.....

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